How many engines do you count? and how many trails? (not my photo)
I have over 15’000 photos that I’ve taken since I “discovered” chemtrails…
My 1st chemtrail photo: August 2011
Over the years I have made certain observations, some that I have never seen described before…for example I noticed one day two planes flying side by side ejecting different color aerosols out the back. I summized that the two chemicals emitted where being mixed in situ. I have dozens of photos showing this. Here are just a few…
Notice that one plume is white as snow and the other pink!
Any courageous whistleblowers willing to let us in on what this crap is?
I also have dozens of NIGHT spraying photos:
And my favorite… proof POSITIVE that chemtrails have nothing to do with altitude. These two planes are at exactly the same altitude flying side by side! I also have many examples of this.
Last but not least… in June I had rainwater that accumulated on my jacuzzi cover analyzed and guess what I found…among other things 38mg/liter of aluminium…that is 38’000 microgram/liter!!! Normal acceptable amounts found in rainwater are between 10 and 1200 micrograms!!!! YOU DO THE MATH!
And there should be ABSOLUTLY NO Barium (440ug/l) or Strontium (260ug/l)!
I will be submitting much more info soon.
Also view my friend Matthias Hanckes trailer for his almost finished documentary on Chemtrails,
Also see this AMAZING documentary by the italiens called
“Chemtrails, the secret war”
Thank you…please share far and wide
Wer die Wahrheit sucht, darf nicht erschrecken, wenn er sie findet.
Wer nach Erkenntnis strebt, darf sich vor keinem Wissen verschließen; es gilt, alles zu prüfen
Wer nach Erkenntnis strebt, darf sich vor keinem Wissen verschließen; es gilt, alles zu prüfen
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