17 März 2015

Coca Cola zahlt massiv Schmiergelder, um das Produkt als gesund zu verkaufen

Coca-Cola caught running massive payola scheme to churn out deceptive corporate propaganda on over 1,000 news sites
‘No matter what junk science the global corporations are trying to push, there’s always a long list of scientists, doctors and journalists ready to accept some payola money to spread their propaganda. The latest example comes from the Coca-Cola company, which paid “fitness and nutrition experts” to place pro-Coke articles in over 1,000 news websites (including major newspapers) to position Coca-Cola as a “healthy snack.”
Yep. Guzzling a can full of high fructose corn syrup, phosphoric acid and chemical flavorings is being pawned off as “healthy” in America’s corporate-run media circus.’
Read more: Coca-Cola caught running massive payola scheme to churn out deceptive corporate propaganda on over 1,000 news sites

Coca-Cola,besteht zu 99 Prozent aus Chemie,Chemie gehört nicht in einen Biologischen  Menschlichen Körper !!!!!!!! Ich würde den Totenkopf auf alle Coca-Cola Produkte aufkleben !!
Denk selber nach !!!

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